Which COVID-19 Prevention Measures Have Been the Most Effective for Illinois?

Kayla Vaughn
2 min readJun 11, 2021

An analysis of how various prevention measures have helped Illinois citizens combat COVID-19

Government officials, health experts, and scientists have helped tremendously in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic that broke out in the U.S. in early 2020. After providing the country with a set of COVID-19 prevention measures, millions of people have been able to protect themselves from contracting and/or spreading the virus.

For example, in Illinois, the total number of confirmed cases when a ban on social gatherings was first put into effect during mid-March of 2020 was less than 100. By mid-April of the same year, the number of cases jumped to 22,000. And although this was a large increase, it likely would have been larger if there was no ban.

In addition to this, the total number of confirmed cases during the start of a statewide, stay at home order in late March of 2020 was roughly 750. By late April, there were 33,000 cases. More cases surfaced with the stay at home order than the social gatherings ban, which could insinuate that the latter was more effective.

When Illinois decided to implement a statewide, face mask mandate in May of 2020, there was a total of 56,000 confirmed cases. By June, there were about 120,000 cases. Although there are certainly other factors to explain the difference in increase for each measure, such as the willingness of citizens to abide by the rules of each measure, one could infer that the social gatherings ban was the most effective.

